Hyouka Episode 16 Thoughts

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I like school festivals in anime before, but this arc is probably the most entertaining one yet. All these subplots are surprisingly coming together to create the most intricate, thought-provoking mystery yet. There’s so many things to consider & re-consider, with so many different people who might be the culprit, and with every picture, message, object and noun being a possible hint to the Juumoji incident. We’re still some ways from the solution.


Like Houtarou (switching to given names now), my mind’s at a road-block. Like I predicted, the Manga Society is involved with all this, if indirectly, but just who is the culprit and how are they stealing the objects? What is the true story behind what could be “Kudryavka’s Order”? There’s something missing, something essential to the entire thing – I’m not sure why, but I feel the answer is in the question. Why else would they “announce” the Juumoji incident in “A Corpse By Evening”? Good thing Houtarou looks like he’s on to something, because I’m so confused.

Mayaka doesn’t need cosplay to be cute. ❤

The doujin manga Mayaka’s been looking for holds the a key hint to solving this mystery. Funny how things work out. What’s not funny is those jerkasses picking on Mayaka, ruining her cosplay even if they didn’t mean to. I enough ta punch that girl, no-holds-barred. (Yes, I’m a violent person.) For Arceus’ sake, just because she stood against Kouchi doesn’t mean you have the right to make her miserable. And speaking of Kouchi, where was she? If she was there, then I don’t recognize her without her cosplay. Where was I? Mayaka made alot of cute expressions in this episode. She really needs to blush more often – just seeing it makes my heart flutter. ❤

Tomoe Oreki. Otherwise known as clay-face. I mean no-face.

Is it by coincidence that Tomoe just happened to have the doujin for Houtarou to read? After pulling that movie project scheme just to play around with him? The fact that the doujin was made by random manga-lovers and one of them just happened to be from the Classical Literature Club? The same one that Tomoe used to be in and the one she forced Houtarou to join? Not to mention how that one doujin ties into the whole Juumoji incident? And that she’s aware of Houtarou detective skills? Slap me if I’m incorrect, but I think Tomoe is the perpetrator this entire energy-wasting scheme. If so, Houtarou’s gonna be pissed.

Stupid hansome Houtarou.

Everyone comes together for the arc finale next week, with Satoshi’s dire expectations of his detective friend and Eru’s “kininarimasu” & face-mike (because she takes it up a notch!). Each episode keeps getting better in pacing and narrative, and I honestly wouldn’t mind if the rest of the season is the Juumoji arc! But alas, everything must come to an end and the Kanya Festival is no different. Of course, I’m sure no matter what resolution we’re given, the end’s going to remain sincere, innocent and cute. Not twisted and… adultish.

Right, Eru? Yeah, I’m right.

Thanks for reading!

One thought on “Hyouka Episode 16 Thoughts

  1. ah! you're accusing no-face sister as being the perpetrator of the incident! I never really thought of it that way. Actually I was thinking that maybe she knows something about it but not really behind it.

    and that first gif!! that's got to be one of the funniest part in this episode :3
    My recent post Boring Season First Impressions

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