BlazBlue… Activate!

BlazBlue Anime Coming Soon!


   Arc System Work’s popular 2D fighter BlazBlue is finally getting an anime. Fans everywhere are overjoyed at the announcement. The site can be found here, along with the cast and list of staff. The anime is labeled BlazBlue Alter Memory.

The staff.…

Supervisor: Toshimichi Mori

Director: Hideki Tachibana

Assistant Director: Seiji Mizushima

Series Composition: Deko Akao

Screenplay: Deko Akao/Tatsuya Takahashi

Character Design/Chief Animation Director: Tomoyuki Shitaya



The anime adaptation will also retain the game’s original voice actors, with the exception of Nu-13 who is now voiced by Matsuura Chie. The site doesn’t contain much else, aside from the introduction. Here’s what I could make out from the Japanese.


A.D. 2199 December

In conclusion of the year, the city was booming in expectations of the New Year.

Information on the bounty of an all-time high amount, “Ragna = the = Bloodedge” emerged within the thirteenth level city “Kagutsuchi” by the control mechanism of rebel SS class criminal.

Target “Ragna = the = Bloodedge ” is referred to as another name “Death.”, it is said that his actions and purpose is towards the destruction of the control mechanism.

He contains an Armagus with matchless power. A high bounty has been applied to the target. He is known to reside in the thirteenth hierarchal city “Kagutsuchi”.



With Chrono Phantasma looking at a PS3 release soon BlazBlue seems to be fairing very well. Still, the anime could change that. I can see a few things happening in the future.


The anime is a huge success!


   Right now the BlazBlue community isn’t very large, at least not in America. Many American gamers are turned off by the anime style graphics; others state that the game itself is a bit too complex. At Evo 2012, BlazBlue was removed from the main list of fighters. The fans wouldn’t let that go lightly, deciding  to have a heated side tourney which got a lot of attention. Yet, it’s Evo 2013 and BlazBlue still hasn’t returned. It’s currently being overshadowed by a newer Arc title Persona 4 Arena.

If the anime is a success, the former will change. It may not get the Evo appearance this year,  but the community will definitely increase. People are more likely to watch an anime than  pick up a game and try to learn it, so I feel the series has a lot of hope in the anime.

Mediocre; some good and some bad…


   The series would gain a small amount of popularity, but not a deciding number. I can see this happening with BlazBlue due to its somewhat complicated story. Unless it’s toned down in the anime, the average viewer may not understand.

It’s horrible!


   This would be a major setback for the series. I feel that it would only be temporary, as the release of Chrono Phantasma will generate more hype. However, this is BlazBlue we’re talking about; the anime is almost guaranteed to be good.


So what do you think? Will the anime be a hit or a miss?




2 thoughts on “BlazBlue… Activate!

  1. I see that you are a major Makoto Nanaya fan. You have good taste dood. Anyway, I still need to play Continuum shift Extend before judging whether this series' plot will be worth it.

    1. Yes, very much so. Sadly, I'm not that good at using her in game!

      Continuum Shift Extend was pretty good, the redone Calamity Trigger story line made things a lot more understandable, and the game pretty much sums up the entire story up to the most recent point. For anyone whose never played BlazBlue it's best to start at CSE.

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