New Writer Incoming!

Hey Guys and Girls.


I’m Winky and I am announcing to you all that I’m a new poster for this site. Content I’m going to be focusing on includes (but isn’t limited to) anime reviews, previews and maybe news and tidbits I find interesting.


I prefer to write about an anime as a whole, so episodic reviews will probably barely be seen posted by me. In fact, due to this my reviews will most likely be of series’, OVA’s and movies which are not on the bleeding edge of releases and have been out for a while.


I watch any genre but find special interest in weird, creepy or horrific anime.  Some of my favourites in no particular order are:


Ghost in the Shell

Black Lagoon


Lucky Star


……………As I said, I watch any genre.


Due to time constraints in my life it’s more likely that I’ll only be posting once or twice a week, if

That, but don’t fret for I will endeavour to get at least something out each week.


I look forward to helping this community grow.


If you wish to see a general view of my “Anime experience” you can view my “MAL” at




Attack on Titan Episode 14 Thoughts


My thoughts of the anime thus far:








I love Attack on Titan (or Shingeki no Kyojin). It is a simple concept, and yet, it is cleverly unique in execution. The animation is great, the music superb, and despite it’s inconsistent writing quality, this show is still full of intense, jaw-dropping moments that never cease to leave us flabbergasted and wanting more. The Titans are horrifying, falling deep below the uncanny valley. The characters embody the best and the worst aspects of humanity, and do so without screaming “but who are the real monsters?!” Because in a world fraught with monsters, questions like those don’t matter, and never had. It’s one of the rare shows that, though imperfect, manages to overcome its flaws through quality execution and taking fresh twists, bursting full-force and coming out on top.

In short, it hits all the right notes.


And so, here we are; the second half. And what better way to kick things off than an epic, fast-paced opening sequence that they obviously butchered their budget on. Now that’s how you start a second half.

After Eren’s heroic efforts, the people are quick to label him as their saviour. But what happens after that? The dark side of human nature, and what it plans to do with Eren. Because no good deed goes unpunished, and – needless to say – with great power comes great fear. And it’s stupid, I know. But it’s not too far from reality, which is also stupid.

Now we can finally meet Zoe- WHOAMYGOD!!
Now we can finally meet Zoe- WHOAMYGOD!!

And that’s what sets Eren apart from other shoddy action heroes like, say… Kirito. Both main characters possess special powers beyond the norm, and use it to fight their foes and protect humanity. But the difference is that Eren must face social and political ramifications because of his powers… and have the very limits of his humanity tested. People will support him, but people are understandably scared, too. Every action he takes, everything that he is, will always have consequences, good or bad. He can either be humanity’s key to salvation, or bring them that much closer to extinction.

How appropriate; in a courtroom, a boot to the face.
How appropriate; in a courtroom, a boot to the face.

Really, Eren’s existence brings with it a load of problems. His suffering never ends, does it? Then again, not all of it can be considered bad. Levi beating the crap out of Eren was to (quite literally) hammer in the fact that only the Recon Corps can deal with him. In the end, no one got hurt and everyone wins… except Eren, maybe, but at least he only lost a tooth! For a few hours…

And did anyone notice the look on Levi’s face when he was describing how Eren’s titan form can kill 20 titans? He was not impressed.

Eren and Levi - best friends.
Eren and Levi – best friends.

It’s Prediction time!

Did anyone notice the titan with blue eyes and a noticeable bust in the opening? My siblings think it is the “Mikasa Titan”. And in this episode, Mikasa was accused of being a titan as well! Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Too soon to tell. But it’s an interesting bit of thought.

The ending indicates that Ymir will be joining the main cast of cadets. Considering Marco’s dead, and she’s very close to Krista Lenz (a little TOO close if you ask me), it makes alot of sense. I wonder if her character’s important to the plot somehow…

The Recon Corp is full of all sorts of weirdos and freaks! But I’m going to guess that they’re extremely competent, since they stand beside Levi himself.


“Swearing upon our hearts We strike at Linie der Torheit!
And soar up the sky with ——
ミ Flügel der Freiheit 彡 !!!”

The 2nd opening, Jiyū no Tsubasa. Play it. Love it.

Until next time! ^_^

Xbox One DRM policies will create an Elitist gaming community… ):

MS fans, u idiots

Okay, so I recently found out that fans have started a petition asking Microsoft to restore the DRM policies it reversed following E3. (Which can be found here)

According to the organizer, David Fontenot, he asks Microsoft to “give us back the Xbox One we were promised at E3.”

“This was to be the future of entertainment,” the petition says. “A new wave of gaming where you could buy games digitally, then trade, share or sell those digital licenses. Essentially, it was Steam for Xbox. But consumers were uninformed, and railed against it, and it was taken away because Sony took advantage of consumers uncertainty. We want this back. It can’t be all or nothing, there must be a compromise.”




So let me get this straight… you want Microsoft to put the DRM policies back into the Xbox One?

WELL… what do the fans have to say about this (note: this an actual comment from the petition site):

“I don’t want to pay 400 – 500 for a console that essentially looks prettier but does the same exact things current gen does. MS was just trying to pave the way towards the unavoidable digital future all consoles will follow, if not this gen, then next generation, being innovative just as they were last generation with Xbox Live. Granted, I didn’t agree with all the policies brought forward but at least I understood the end goal and it wasn’t as such a big deal for me. They said their stuff straight forward and took the heat while Sony innovated nothing, changed nothing and helped feed peoples fear that change is bad and that it’s good to pay again for what you already have and can do. Sony said what people wanted to hear and only later revealed the truth of their policies in small interviews after E3. Who is the better company? The one that says things upfront in front of the world or the one that lurks in the shadows about the reality of what it’s bringing forward? It’s sad so many gamers are so short sighted.”

Excuse me? “Unavoidable future”? “Innovative”? “Straight forward”? “Change is bad”? “So many gamers are so short sighted”?

Fans and critics alike have made their arguments against the DRM policies very clear from the beginning. Nobody wants restrictions. Nobody wants always-online DRM. Nobody wants the game rental businesses to become obsolete. Nobody cares about the goddamn new-age console that’ll blow everything else out of the water!

What we care about is our games. What we want is our gaming experience, and for that experience to be available to as many people as possible. I want my friends to borrow my games, and for me to borrow theirs. I want to play my games whenever I want. I want to buy used games if I’m short on cash, and to sell my games in whatever way I see fit.

Ain't nobody wants DRM. AIN'T NOBODY.
Ain’t nobody wants DRM.

Complete freedom, choice, and flexibility in my gaming experience. That’s all I want. I don’t care about anything else that the “new age” is supposed to offer.

If innovation is so important, then it has to be in the benefit of the consumer, not at their expense. By having the DRM policies in place, you’re making it even harder for people without access to internet to play games.

“No one cares about people who can’t afford internet in this day-and-age”?

What about third-world countries? Like Australia or Africa? What about people living in rural areas or on social insurance? And perhaps more importantly…

What about men and women serving in the army? Those people are almost always in other countries, risking their lives on a daily basis, hardly ever getting the chance to see their family & loved ones, if ever. The only thing they have to look forward to are video games – games sent to them from their family & friends at homes, so they can play away and have something else to talk about… something other than war.

Do you really want to deprive them of their gaming experience? People who put their lives on the line just so we can live freely and comfortably?

Is this really the future of gaming we desire? An elitist community where only those with all the time in the world, and the money for constant internet access, can play games and have the best gaming experience?

Is this what you want? Is this what any of us want?

If you still say yes to DRM after seeing this, you have no soul.
If you still say yes to DRM after seeing this, you have no soul.

Those are my thoughts, gamers and otakus. What about you guys? What are your thoughts on the DRM policies? Are you okay with things going this way within the gaming community? Post your thoughts below, I’m curious to see what you guys think of all this.

Don’t worry, I won’t get mad. ^_^

This post was directed solely towards that petition. I’m completely against the idea (if it wasn’t obvious enough, heh heh), and if Microsoft does change their mind, well… then I’ll never trust them ever again. So spread the word; send this article to as many people as possible, or something like that. We NEED more people to be aware about what DRM policies truly mean for the gaming community, and what it’ll mean for us if those polices do end up coming back.

This is Kenta Misaka, and thanks for reading. 😀

Kenta’s Summer Anime Plans

Just a quick little post about what anime I’ll be covering this season.

(Note: I was originally going to cover Free! and Danganronpa, but I decided not to in favour of 2 other shows I’m much more interested in.)

Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu.  Obviously.
Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu.

If you seen my previous post, you already know that I’m covering this. I have such high hopes for this one!

Blood Lad.
Blood Lad.

Dead girl and zombie.


The World God Only Knows ~The Goddess Arc.
The World God Only Knows ~The Goddess Arc.

Watched and loved both the first & second seasons.

Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! Or "WataMote".
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Or “WataMote”.

Surprisingly entertaining and relatable. Kuroki’s a bit creepy, though.

Gatchaman Crowds.
Gatchaman Crowds.

Towa no Quon by the way of Mega Man Star Force and Tiger & Bunny? How can I NOT watch this?

And that’s everything! It’s gonna be a LONG summer, folks. ^_^

Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu Ep. 1 Thoughts

Yuri, this is not.
Yuri, this is not.
Gunslinger Girl, this is not.
Gunslinger Girl, this is not.

Now that we got that out of the way, shall we begin?

I had previously believed that originality was rare, and even if found it would require a grand amount of execution to become truly special and memorable.

I still do.

But that’s not to say that originality is dead. Hell no. My brother literally slapped me silly for believing that. It is indeed possible to find such “original anime” in this decade; very few shows like The World God Only Knows, Durarara!, Hyouka, Chuunibyou, were able to provide truly unique experiences, or a unique twist – invigoration – of an established genre/formula.

Yachiyo Hinata best girl!
Yachiyo Hinata best girl!

Where am I going with this? This show, of course! I went into Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu expecting another trashy, K-On copycat, only to find myself enjoying what could be a fairly unique twist on the moe, slice-of-life, high-school club anime.

It starts out in familiar fare, with a dreamy-eyed girl, named Yura Yamato, on her first day of high schoo- HOLY CRAP that school is huge! Alright, so not everything is completely within Yura’s fantasy, but seriously; first world problems, I tell ya.

Rento Kirishima best girl!
Rento Kirishima best girl!

Uh, where was I? Right, then Yura finds a gun under her pillow- whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, a GUN?! Yes, and this is where things get interesting!

The gun’s fake, by the way.

Cue the opening sequence. Soon after, we’re greeted by an insane cast of characters, and I mean INSANE. Whether it’s Yachiyo and her wackily huggable expressions, the G36K-wielding meganekko Honoka, the cake-loving Rento with beautiful hair, or the machine gun-totting american stereotype Karila… they are all borderline sociopathic!

One minute they’re sweet as tea, and the next they handle their guns with eerie anticipation, and firing rounds with big smiles on their faces! It’s weird! And crazy! And I love every minute of it.

My reaction to meeting another otaku. :3
My reaction to meeting another otaku. :3

I admit it! I’ve fallen in love with these characters. Their passion for airsoft complements their madly eccentric personalities perfectly, constantly providing us with loads of on-screen hilarity and entertainment. It certainly helps that the chemistry and interaction between the entire cast are nothing short of fantastic. All of it feels particularly fresh, despite being held back by some K-On-ish moments. (Complete with tea, cakes and everything!)

K-On, this is not.
K-On, this is not.

The show feels polished as well. The animation is splendid where it counts (if you can get past the cutesy character designs), especially during the airsoft battles. The original creator definitely did his research when it came to military tactics. Being constantly on the move and switching between cover-to-cover, rolls, cover-fire, hand-signals, and surprise ambushes – there were no shortcuts or flashy stunts. Just good ol’ gunplay, and it was AWESOME. I also really liked Yura’s fantasy vision, which gave the battle a slight Chu-2 vibe to it. And who can forget that smooth jazz playing in the background?

Karila Hatsuse best girl!
Karila Hatsuse best girl!

So far, I like what I’m seeing. Clean animation, cute style, insane and memorable characters, and an awesome premise that sets itself up for intense, over-the-top airsoft battles! And to top it all off, no fanservice! The bad kind, I mean.

As long as the show doesn’t wallow in nothing happening at all, it may turn out to be one of the best shows of this season! My expectations are high, and I look forward to more of this insanity.

What a great way to kick start the summer season! 😀

Tsubasa Tiger, Part One Impressions



Finally what I have been waiting for since it was announced last year, Monogatari the second season.  Monogatari is animated by Studio Shaft, and directed Akiyuki Shinbo.  Episode 1 takes place during the events of the Tsubasa Tiger arc of the Nekomonogatari White light novel.


First off I was always under the impression that Koyomi Araragi was the only one who could see Hachikuji… I guess not.  The episode starts with a conversation between Hanekawa and Hachikuji, quickly reminding me why I love this franchise so much.  The episode was full of the dialogue and banter that this franchise delivers so well.  I loved the blatant foreshadowing/spoilers that Hachikuji tries to tell before she is quickly shut down.  “My episode will be in the next title.”  Does that mean no Araragi in this Tsubasa Tiger arc, are the girls going to have to solve everything on their own?



Anyway if you loved Bakemonogatari you will probably enjoy the first episode of the Tsubasa Tiger Arc.



There are plenty Head Tilts.


Plenty of Fan Service


And whatever this is!

 Anyway the Tsubasa Tiger Arc looks like it is going to delve into the fucked up life of Tsubasa Hanekawa.  Instead of asking for kelp from the Araragi family, the Senjogahara family, or anyone else after her house burns down she decides to live in the old abandoned cram school…alone.  Glad that Senjogahara put her in her place…what a reaction.  Senjogahara freaks out, a little out of character.  Anyway I am a huge fan of how passive aggressive Senjogahara was in this episode.  Or maybe she is just aggressive.  “I’ll shove a stapler in your mouth and deliver a blow to your neck if that’s what it takes, Ms. Hanekawa” was probably my favorite line of the day.

Anyway this episode was great; I have high hopes for my favorite Anime franchise of all time.

Oh yah…Hanekawa still loves Araragi…This should be interesting.

dskjncflsandThanks for reading!


Sorry for this blank space below something is fucked up with the formatting!




Dog and Scissors First Impression



I have no idea what happened to my fellow writers but I’ll kick off the new summer anime season with my first impressions of Gonzo’s new anime InuHasa.  InuHasa, Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyo, or Dog & Scissors as it is known in English is a comedy series based on a light novel series.   This comedy revolves around Kazuhito Harumi a high school boy who loves reading.  One day he is murdered and is resurrected as a dog.  He is unable to read in his new form and now belongs to Kirihime Natsuno a sadist who likes to abuse him with scissors.

The majority of this shows comedy revolves around Kirihime Natsuno breast size.  It is truly a comedy oozing originality.  Yes she is flat chested, such a great reason to make fun of her.  All the other jokes revolve around abuse.  Yay, lets cut the dog.  Are there actually people who laughed at any of this, because I sure didn’t?

Episode 1 of InuHasa was a brain-rotting affair that was in no way entertaining, or funny or in anyway enjoyable.  I wasn’t expecting much from this series but I didn’t expect it to be trash.  Hopefully the rest of the summer anime season will be better.

dog and scis

Thank you for reading…

Don’t watch this…


PS4: No More Free Online Multiplayer?


Currently everyone’s going crazy over the PS4. Yes, the system itself is great. The games are pretty good, and we’re seeing a lot of ongoing series. Examples include Final Fantasy XV, (Originally Final Fantasy Versus XIII) Kingdom Hearts 3,  and the ever so popular Call of Duty. Before you ask, yes I know that Sony is taking shots at Microsoft, and yes the PS4 is currently outshining the Xbox One.

All of that is fine and dandy, but let’s take a break from the hype and examine something that was overlooked. PS4 online multiplayer is not free. What in the world?

In comparison, Sony has always had the advantage over Microsoft in terms of online expense. Via Ps3, you can play online as much as you want, while the Xbox 360 requires a monthly fee just to play. Either Sony is getting money hungry now, or they want to lose a sum of their gaming population.


I’ve been hearing quite a few fans blindly accepting the new change. “Oh, it’s just five dollars a month what’s the big deal?” “Thanks to the change, we will be rid of the trash online.” “If you can’t manage five dollars a month you shouldn’t be playing video games.” Wait one second, if we’re so accepting to this who is to say they won’t increase that “low amount” of five dollars to ten, or maybe even to fifteen, and so on. Again what gives?

Many gamers are young. In fact, a plethora of gamers are still in the educational system. They don’t have money to waste on additional internet costs. Few even have money to their name. So yes, if that small amount doesn’t make a difference, then who does? During the first few days of release I can see the following scenario playing out.

A gamer goes and purchases the new PS4 system. They buy a game along with the console. When they return home, they waste little time setting everything up. They are having so much fun with their game, they want to display their skills online.

Oops, the gamer forgot you can’t play with others without paying. Cough up the cash. That video gamer pays up, gets tired of the game tosses it to the side. They don’t have enough money to maintain PlayStation Plus, and there’s no use for them to pay due to lack of games.


Thus, this creates a lack of income for Sony. I can’t speak for everyone, but majority of the people on my friend’s list don’t have the resources to maintain a membership.

So what does this mean for gamers and producers?

I feel gamers will invest less in multiplayer. The use of the PlayStation Store and other online features will continue as normal, as they are not affected. Certain gaming communities will be damaged by the required pay. Small niche multiplayer titles such as BlazBlue, Arcana Heart, and Guilty Gear (mostly anime fighters) will see a decrease in online players, unfortunately. I predict that large series such as Street Fighter, Call of Duty, Naruto, etc will remain populated.

Judging from E3, it seems like producers were aware of the addition, and games are centered around single player. The pattern will likely continue for most of PS4’s lifespan, unless Sony decides to alter their decision.

The decision may not seem that major, but I found it disappointing. For someone who plays online multiplayer a lot, I will not be paying. If I wanted to do that, I would get an Xbox.



For those planning on picking up the system, is online multiplayer a major factor of gaming, and will you pay to play with others?


Pokémon News…18th Type Confirmed


The second game trailer for Pokémon X and Y the newest installment and 6th generation of Pokémon came out today.  Some very interesting stuff was confirmed.  First off the game is set to come out October 12th, I’m going to start a countdown on my computer…I can’t wait.  Also an 18th Pokémon type was confirmed, it wasn’t the “Light” type everyone was expecting but it is really close.  The 18th type has been named “Fairy” type and it is super effective against dragon types.  Sylveon, Jigglypuff, Marill, and Gardevoir have all been confirmed as Fairy type.  Also 2 new Pokémon were shown, Vivillon, and Noivern.  With excellent looking graphics and some fun new features it looks like Pokémon generation 6 will be a lot of fun.  Remember this game will only be out for the 3ds so if you don’t have start saving!