Emotional Gaming


Gaming is more than the simple mashing of buttons. It is an art form; the same as novels, movies, and other forms of media. It tells a story with the player right in the action. Other forms of media have the viewer as the audience. You do not have control of what happens in the story; you are simply watching it unfold. Gaming is one of the few ways to actually become part of that fantasy, to make it your own reality.

Yet still the uneducated will continue to think that we are wasting our time. The ignorant will believe that gaming is a sin, something that makes you less of a person. Sadly, these types of people will always exist. There’s not much you can do about them, except move on.

With today’s technology, players can connect with others throughout the world. It’s not your usual basement dwelling; gamers are actually more social than studies show. These online interactions have provoked changes in gamers. The art is more emotional than ever before, as other players are now involved in your experience.

Can you spot the references?

So what does this mean? Well, let me start with a single game style; the fighting genre. I’m sure not everyone has experience with this type, but I’ll try to summarize. With fighting games, you’re own your own. You’re locked up in a 2D or 3D plain, with an opponent in front of you. You then fight until one side’s health reaches zero or until another condition is met. That’s all there is to it, pretty simple right?

BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma

Well, it’s not really that effortless. There’s a lot of factors in a fighting game; what character to chose, the stage you’re playing on, the music, the combos you dish out on your opponent… the list could go on. All these have a certain effect on the player; they feel something when they play. Have you ever felt something like that?

There’s that nail-biting sensation that pops up when you’re on the verge of a lost. Your mind is clouded with numerous practiced strategies and combos you’ve rehearsed in training mode. You feel apprehensive as your opponent’s health falls. There’s one that everyone knows; the crushing emotion that hits you after you suffer a devastating loss, and the feeling of pride and confidence after securing the win. That’s right, emotion; we’re not just mashing buttons aimlessly.

It even get’s more technical than that, combos are just the building blocks. What good are building blocks if you can’t lay down the foundation? There are a few names we use to describe these actions and mannerisms one picks up as they play. Instead of creating a list I’ll just direct you here if you’re curious.

3D Fighter, Soul Calibur V

You’re probably thinking, “What about people who don’t play fighting games.” Don’t worry, you aren’t alone.  The concepts above can easily apply to any genre, as gamers feel emotion no matter what they’re playing. A FPS enthusiast could probably go on a monologue dealing with knifing and sniping techniques and how it depends on your mindset against your opponents.

It’s pretty clear that gaming is an emotional hobby, but why isn’t it being seen as so? Video games always take the heat when there is some form of murder or crime. However, there’s rarely any positive news on the subject. Why are games seen as negative, when they are technically more involving and emotional than other forms of art? Is the community to blame? What is the answer?


Grady, D. (2013, February 6). What the “zone” is -and how to stay in it!. Retrieved from http://formingfunc.com/blog/2013/2/6/what-the-zone-is-and-how-to-stay-in-it

James Madigan. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.psychologyofgames.com/

A Newbie on the Scene!


Hello everyone! I’m Rekari, but feel free to call me Reka for short. I’m currently an 18 year old student, entering college soon. I will be writing for Wan Abrar for the time being, posting editorials, anime reviews, game reviews, and maybe even some music. I’m what you call a jack of all trades, yet a master of none. Coming from my own blog, I’m what can be considered a Freelance Writer. Someday, I hope to make a career from my writing.

Aside from writing, I’m interested in Japanese culture. When I was in the sixth grade, I discovered anime for the first time. (not including things such as Pokémon, Yugioh, etc) Naruto was my first, like many others. I still love Naruto to this day! Vampire Knight came after, and with Verizon’s Funimation Channel, I began to watch anime every day.

Recently, I’ve taken a big interest in Vocaloid. If you’ve never heard any Vocaloid songs, I recommend heading over to YouTube right now. Miku is by far my favorite, with Luka following close behind. I can give a good list of songs to listen to, since most people get bad first impressions.

I like taking anime and manga to another level; looking at the symbolism and emotional themes behind the characters and plot. Some anime is all fun and games, but when you peel off the outer layer, you delve into beautiful writing. I believe some miss this part of anime, and it would be great to share this with them. In my opinion, every anime has some sort of story, contrary to people saying Ecchi and Harem genres don’t have much a plot. (They do you just have to put away your grains of salt!)

I can’t really think of anything else to include in this introduction, so I’ll just add a few fun facts for you guys to read.

  • I like both English Dubs and Subs.
  • I’m a violinist, played for 7 years or so.
  • Novelist, currently working on two books.
  • I like looking into Philosophy, wondering how the world works.
  • Love almost all types of music, as long as it doesn’t have a bad meaning.
  • Major fan of Yamada from B Gata H Kei (Why is there so little fan art of her?)

If you guys haven’t seen B Gata H Kei check it out now!

We’ll be right back!

Woo hoo.
Woo hoo.

Busy finishing up the last of my exams. We’ll be back with more first impressions and episode thoughts soon! And hopefully with some anime reviews as well!

Buuut I’m getting a little too ahead of myself. I’ll see you guys again in a week! ^_^

Railgun is awesome. Railgun is ALWAYS awesome!  And my waifu. :D
Railgun is awesome. Railgun is ALWAYS awesome!
And my waifu. 😀
WOW, just like my first date :3
WOW, just like my first date :3
Brilliant deduction - 10 out of 10!
Brilliant deduction – 10 out of 10!

Kenta’s Spring 2013 First Impressions – Imouto and Mermaids in HD!


Time for some more Spring 2013 first impressions… IN GLORIOUS HD QUALITY!

These are fun to do by the way. ^_^

“Squid-Girl” anime except with 20% more fanservice-hyper-competent-Iron-Man-Merm­aid… IRON-MAID! OUR FANFIC ANIME CHARACTER SUGOI MOE SUPERHERO!!

Do not steal. 😛

At last… the season I’ve been waiting for… Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. WITH A PERIOD. The return of the best sister Kirino, and my waifu Kuroneko!!

I am soo hyped for this.

Man, can’t wait for finals to end. >_<

Kenta’s Spring 2013 First Impressions – The Pilot Episodes


Guess who’s back? Bigger than ever! As University comes to a close, a new season of anime rises to meet the darkness once again!

“Kenta’s Commentaries” will be a new feature here on Wanabrar, joined by my siblings:

The Megaman of Numbers – my sarcastic, hilarious, and intellectually superior younger brother, who has a knack for commentaries. His walfas is the one with the helmet, Megabuster, and cape. He has a deeper voice than me, and sounds like a douche. XD

Mi – my lazy little sister who lives like a hermit crab (aka, a NEET). An overachiever who spends most of her days eating and sleeping. She hardly speaks; when she does, it’s usually a riot. Her walfas is the one with red overalls and a tanuki tail. ^_^

Now then, shall we begin? (Edit: I recommend full screen in HD so that you can read the subtitles better. Or go to Youtube to watch them.)


“Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince”, a mecha anime that’s friggin’ awesome!


An anime NOT MADE BY SHAFT that gave birth to a new fetish. That’s quite an achievement. ^_^


Ladies and gentlemen; Anime of the year! At least I hope it’ll be.

Btw, I’ll be doing my thoughts on Devil Survivor 2 from here on out. Until next time! ^_^

Xana Is Back!


I am back from oblivion and ready to start writing again for this site.  Where have I been?  Since January I have been living in rural Costa Rica going to school.  The internet sucks here, making it a little difficult to download/watch anime… So what is my plan?  I plan on doing some first impressions for this new anime season.  Not sure if I will do episodic posts about any series, depends if any impress me.  Problem is my Skype won’t work so I have no way to get in contact with Kenta.  So Kenta, I pose a question for you, what series if any do you plan on taking this season, I don’t want to steal anything you planned on reviewing!!! Anyway expect some posts soon from me!

Re-Introducing… (I swear we’re not dead yet!)

I have returned like I promised! As this video shows, I’ll be starting video reviews and other interesting things from now – WITH WALFAS! Only here on Wanabrar (and Youtube :p)!

(Of course, I had to sacrifice some sleep just so I can finish this. T^T)

Expect another video sometime down the line this week.

Goodnight. Until next time…

Off The Radar: “We’re not dead yet!” Edition

be back

Among University, midterms, the lack of studying due to my entire family getting ill with the flu (except my brother, that lucky bastard =_=), and more midterms, I’ve been either lazy or out of commission for the last 2 months. And it’s even worse with Rei’s busy life and Xana out of range, so the site’s been kinda dead lately. But never fear! I’m recovering, and I won’t let this season end without a bang! So, expect a comeback around the beginning of March! But for now, here’s a bit of entertainment to keep you all, uh… entertained.


AMV: If Happy Ever After Did Exist

Not much I can say… other than it’s f**king brilliant. Not only is it well-crafted, but the song of choice encompasses the original film so well.

Draw With Me: I Love You

Okay, I know this isn’t exactly unpopular, and I swear this fandub had fewer views a week ago. But since I never heard of it until then, chances are that most of you haven’t, either. It’s cute, funny, and the animation is simply gorgeous to look at. The voices are also the best out of any I found on Youtube (it’s true!). Oh, and if you haven’t already, watch this video first; things will make alot more sense if you do.

Touhou PV – Snow Sound

And for all you Touhou fans out there, here’s something that’s surprisingly off the radar. Featuring the song Snow Sound by famous doujin circle FELT, this PV is a wonderful – if peaceful – story of the What Winter Left Behind. (see what I did there?)

Little Reimu


More Touhou!

From my personal opinion, Mazui is one of the best fansubbers out there. But not many agree, unfortunately. This is a movie made from a series of 8 manga-style Touhou videos that tell the (unofficial) backstory of Reimu when she was little. I’ll let you guys read Mazui’s post, since everything I could say has been said already.

That’s all for now, folks! Naptime…

Xana’s Top 10 Anime of 2012

Hello from Costa Rica everybody.  I am calling Costa Rica my home for the next 5 months and the internet is not always available for me here, but I will be posting as much as I can.  Hopefully my semester will be very easy so I will have plenty of time to post.  Here are a few words about 2012 before I get to my countdown.  2012 was an anime season full of disappointments for me.  Many anime on this list I never expected to watch let alone put on this list.  For an anime to make my top ten list it had to have ended in 2012.  Shows like Psycho Pass and Shin Sekai Yori will not be on this list and will be considered for my best of 2013 list.  On the other hand shows like Mirai Nikki, Fate Zero and Guilty Crown were considered even though they started in 2011, because they ended in 2012.  All right so let’s get to the countdown.

10. Ano Natsu de Matteru Ano Natsu de Matteru wasn’t a game changer but it was still an enjoyable anime.  The story is nothing new but it was still charming.  Ano Natsu was able to prove to me that J.C Staff is able to create some gorgeous animation when they feel like it.  The romance aspect to the shows was decent and the ending was satisfying.  There was the perfect amount of melodrama without making the show over the top.  I guess I can add Sci-fi/Alien interspecies dating shows to the list of anime I like.

9 Sankarea Sankarea turned out to much more than fan-service.  It brought up some interesting points about sexual abuse and you learn to love to hate the father.  The anime at some points felt a little generic, but the drama and some funny moments helped set it apart from other anime this season.

8. Another P.A Works can make a damn pretty series and Another is no exception.  While the show has terrible character development, bizarre pacing and some plot holes it is almost just worth watching for P.A Works attention to detail.  I liked how Another had long build up that resulted in some intense shock value.  It’s a shame there aren’t more horror anime in Japan, I would love to see more.

7 Kokoro Connect

I haven’t watched the OVA’s, which came out a few days ago so this is based on the 13 episode series.  Kokoro Connect may have had some of the worst animation of the season but it was still an enjoyable anime.  The show was full of self-centered characters, which led to some fun to watch drama.  Also the show had some funny jokes and I look forward to the OVAs to clear up a few points.

6 Mysterious Girlfriend X  

MGX was the surprise of the year.  Who knew that a series that revolved around drool could be so good?  I loved the 90s influenced animation with the modern twist.  It seems like not a lot of people have watched this anime, so go out and watch it!

5 Kids on a Slope

Kids on a Slope was a fresh version of a typical high school romance.  I loved all the music throughout and fell in love with the jam sessions.  I liked how the writer was able to make the characters feel human and learn from their many mistakes they made because they are so young.  The show had a great ending making it a show worth watching.

4 Fate/Zero

Fate Zero started airing in 2011 but it ended in 2012 making it okay for it to be on this list.  Fate Zero had wonderful animation, interesting characters and spectacular fight scenes.  It may have been higher on this list but there are some episodes I found irrelevant and boring.  I look forward to watching more from Ufotable, they are a great studio!

3 Nisemonogatari

Some people loved it and some people despise it with their whole beings.  I found myself enjoying the whole series immensely even though it made feel very dirty sometimes.  I didn’t care for the loli and incest aspects of the show but I still loved the animation, characters and story.  Nisemono may be a shell of Bakemonogatari but it is still a damn good anime in my opinion.

2    Jinrui wa Suitaishimashita

Jinrui wa Suitishimashita known as Humanity Has Declined in America was another surprise of the season.  Don’t let the fairies keep you away from a dark pessimistic series about human extinction.  I loved how the show was  bright and colorful which was the complete opposite of the despair that is represented in this series.  The same goes for this the fairies, they look so happy when in fact they full existentialist thoughts and self-doubt.  The protagonist of series brings a grim outlook on life, and really helps the series move along.  Go watch this series and prepare for some bizarre and frightening moments.

Before I get to number one on my list I want you guys to promise to not get mad at me.  This show technically aired entirely on December 31 2012 so guess what it is fair game for this list!  Yah that’s right my number one anime of the year is Nekomonogatari (Kuro) if you haven’t guessed by now, one of the prequels to Bakemonogatari.

1 Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Nekomonogatari managed to bring this franchise back to all its glory.  First off the story was incredible; it was great to learn so much about Hanekawa and what a shitty life she leads.  The animation was amazing, maybe not at Bake/Nise level because it is an OVA but it still has the same style written all over it.  The characters and the dialogue were both amazing and well written. There is a lot less brother sister flirting going on which is great. The flirting doesn’t get in the way of the series like it did in Nisemonogatari.  Nekomono is extremely violent and full of fan service but they both help establish the story.  The fan service is necessary to portray how Hanekawa is losing it and dealing with her extreme stress.

Thanks for reading my list!  I hope you liked it, feel free to post your own.


Happy New Year! 800th Post and Half A Million Views


Happy new year everyone! I know.. I haven’t been posting for a while but that doesn’t stop me from posting this. 2012 is finally over and we have finally reached 2 new milestones. We have posted around 800+ post and we have reached half a million views. It’s quite an achievement for us and we are very proud of it. Thanks to everyone who regularly visit our site and thanks to all the writer here as well. Without you, we couldn’t have achieve this. So here are some fun facts about our blog:

  • 585,304 views this year (80k views last year)
  • 810 post
  • 3,010 number of comments
  • Global Compete Ranking by unique visitors: 548,044
  • Highest view in a day: 2575 views in April 14, 2012
  • RSS Subscribers: 93
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space bro
Sooo happy right now

I know i’ve been very inactive lately and that is because of University. I’m going to be back as early as February and i’m catching up with the previous season anime so I could do the ‘top anime of 2012’ post. I can’t promise you guys anything but hopefully next year i’ll be as active as i’ve ever been before. So that is all from me, thanks for reading and see you next time.